Archive for October 13th, 2010

Oct 13 2010

Coons-O’Donnell Debate: Who The Hell Is That Mrs. Coons Person Moderating?!

Update: more comments at Hot Air – but it is clear CNN pulled away because O’Donnell was doing too well. Yes, the miner rescue is big, but CNN could wait a few minutes. What a crock. Good luck Christine, you earned it tonight. Update: What is it with Mrs Coons? Everytime Coons gets in trouble […]

14 responses so far

Oct 13 2010

Loony Moran In Trouble In VA-8?

OK, We know there is huge wave building out there, and this could be a total head feint, but if Jim Moron Moran is in trouble in VA-8, then I cannot mentally grasp the damage that will be unleashed on the Democrat Party on November 2nd: An internal poll (R) taken in Virginia’s 8th District […]

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Oct 13 2010

Our Inexperienced President Finally Get’s A Clue Two Years Too Late

This why you don’t elect a phenom to run a country. You need to elect someone who has run a business, an administration – something! I wrote this back on February 21, 2009, after the so-called stimulus bill passed with all its over inflated promises: Update: Allahpundit makes a great point: did Obama need to […]

9 responses so far

Oct 13 2010

Huffpo Confirms AJStrata On House Losses

The other day I looked at the PVI of races in contention and then pondered various scenarios for the November Tsunami rising out there in the nation. In this analysis I posited three wave sizes to reflect three generic battle poll ranges. I assumed a generic ballot that had the Dems-Reps about even would mean […]

4 responses so far

Oct 13 2010

Rise Of The Centrists

The WSJ (via RCP) has a great article out today on where the tide of voter anger is emanating from, and why the Dems lame attempts to blame the GOP keep missing the mark: In American politics, people tend to think of “radicals” as those on the ideological fringes of the left or right. But […]

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