Tag Archive 'al-Qaeda'

Jan 25 2010

How Far Did Obama-Holder Relax Our Defenses?

Update: New fears of woman suicide bombers preparing to attack America: At least two are thought to have been trained by the Yemen-based group behind syringe bomber Umar Abdulmutallab’s Christmas Day jet bomb plot. They are thought to have non-Arab appearance and be travelling on Western passports, making them difficult to trace. Update: And because […]

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Jan 07 2010

Obama’s National Security Team Still Doesn’t Quite Get It

Update: Dana Milbank from the Washington Post apparently sees things the way I do. – end update Just finished listening to the Q&A session at the White House and reviewing the report, and we Americans clearly have more dots to connect ourselves. The White House report (as vague as it is) can be found here. First […]

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Jan 07 2010

Obama Administration In Race Against Time To Stop Next 9-11

As more details are leaked out ahead of the shocking report coming out today on the near miss Christmas Day bombing on Flight 253 we are left to wonder what is going on inside this young and inexperienced administration. First, we have to ask why the administration let the bomber, Nigerian Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab who […]

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Jan 02 2010

White House Briefed On Flight 253 Bomb Technology Two Months Prior

Drip, Drip, Drip. As more information is known, the depth of the Obama Administration’s failures continue to deepen and shock. Not only did: the NSA pick up chatter in August about al Qaeda planning attacks on the US with a “Nigerian”  – possibly going by the name Umar Farouk, the NSA pick up Nigerian Umar […]

10 responses so far

Jan 02 2010

President Was Briefed On Holiday Attack 3 Days Ahead Of Time

I am stunned at the amount of evidence coming out on what we missed in allowing a faulty bomb triggering mechanism to come between a Jihadist bomber and the death of nearly 300 innocent people on Christmas Day in the skies over Detriot, MI. Even worse are the claims from the Obama administration about the […]

14 responses so far

Jan 01 2010

Are We Finger Pointing Or Correcting Mistakes?

I have zero tolerance for whiners who take on huge responsibilities and fail. Too many people think every other job in the country is a cake walk.  Busy bodies are quick to sit in judgement of others, most times based on incomplete information and from a perch of total ignorant bliss. This combination of ignorance […]

9 responses so far

Jan 01 2010

When Blogging Impacts National Security

I was absolutely furious with the NY Times when it ran a deceptive article in December 2005 on the changes to FISA made by President Bush to untie the hands, remove the gags and take off the blind folds from our national security defenses. I noted the faults with the story instantaneously and spent years […]

19 responses so far

Dec 28 2009

Back To The Naive 9/10/01 Mentality – America At Risk From Left Wing Denial

I think the American people have had a serious wake up call with the specter of a Christmas Day Massacre in the skies over Detroit. I, like countless other Americans, was flying with my entire family around this holiday season, and the idea that we could have all perished as a result of the incompetence […]

11 responses so far

Dec 28 2009

George W Bush Knew Our Enemies, Knew How To Go After Them

On the heels of the lamest public CYA statement in a century, where our incompetent Secretary of Homeland Security ran onto the Sunday political talk shows claiming the ‘system worked‘ after a known terrorist sympathizer just barely failed to kill over 200 people on a commercial airliner on Christmas Day, we are reminded of how […]

6 responses so far

Dec 26 2009

Al Qaeda Tries To Strike Again – On Christmas

If you feel like our current government is distracted and obsessed with their own political agenda while they are ignoring their duty to the people of this country you are probably in good company. The DC liberals have screwed up just about everything since taking power in 2008, it seems to be no surprise they […]

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