Tag Archive 'Anbar'

Jul 01 2009

Amazing Developments In War On “Human Created Disasters” (aka Terror)

Published by under Bin Laden/GWOT,Iraq,Pakistan

Seems the Pakistanis have really soured on their violent Islamo Fascist neighbors in the tribal areas: MORE than 80 per cent of Pakistanis view the Taleban as a critical threat to the country, a poll released yesterday said. It marked a major shift in public support behind the government’s campaign against the fundamentalist Muslim militants. […]

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Aug 06 2008

Iraq Victory Continues As One-Time al-Qaeda Haven Now Under Iraq Control

al-Qaeda decreed Iraq was the primary battlefield for the war against The Great Satan – America. When we took out Saddam Hussein, one time ally with Ayman Zawahiri’s group that became the armed forces of al-Qaeda, Bin Laden and Zawahiri made it clear America would lose to radical Islam in the Arab heartland. In fact, […]

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