Tag Archive 'Energy'

Jul 14 2009

Sarah Palin Steps Into “Center” Stage

Published by under All General Discussions

The defunct and failed political industrial complex is all in a tizzy because Sarah Palin is making her move. And they have good reason to feel threatened (though they have no good excuse for being unprofessional and insulting). Palin is coming out aiming for the heart of American politics – the centrists: The former Republican vice-presidential […]

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Feb 23 2009

Secretary Clueless – Updated!

Published by under All General Discussions

As if we needed any more evidence that the Obama administration is woefully in over their heads and winging it (badly), we get some stunning comments out of Energy Secretary Chu, who seems to be admitting he has no clue what he is supposed to be doing: Mr. Chu said Thursday he feels “like I’ve […]

18 responses so far

Nov 09 2008

Do-Nothing Congressional Dems Plan To … Do Nothing!

Well, its looks like the Congressional Democrats are not ready to lead next year, but ready to duck and run for cover. They clearly are realizing their ideas only would cause damage to this country (which is what conservatives warned all through the election): After moving quickly with an economic stimulus plan that includes cutting […]

27 responses so far

Nov 02 2008

Think Energy Costs Are High Now?

If people think heating and electricity are expensive now, just wait until Obama bankrupts the coal industry and we lose even more domestic energy sources

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Oct 18 2008

Wall Street And DC Greed At The Core Of Our National Crisis, Obama Plans To Spread Our Wealth Globally!

McCain wants to change DC, Obama wants to change America! There are many kinds of greed in this world. On Wall Street we can glimpse the “hoarding of treasure” greed, the greed to pull in as much money as fast as possible and then waste the rest of your life as the uber consumer showing […]

3 responses so far

Aug 12 2008

GOP And American Victory Over Oil

Boy, the democrats played the oil/energy card really badly. They arrogantly blocked all efforts to leverage US oil and gas reserves until the political pressure from Republicans tapping into American angst over gas prices became so great the Dems had to fold and agree to a vote: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Monday night dropped […]

12 responses so far

Aug 05 2008

Emergency On The USS Obama!

Oh boy, Obama is in deep trouble with the electorate. The other day I predicted he would limp into the Democrat Convention behind McCain in the polls. I keep and eye on the Rassmussen and Gallup Daily Tracking Polls. And one poll I almost always ignore is the Zogby poll because it tilts so far […]

26 responses so far

Jul 08 2008

Democrats Skulking Towards Utter Failure

The Democrat led Congress has fallen to historic lows in terms of support from the American people: The percentage of voters who give Congress good or excellent ratings has fallen to single digits for the first time in Rasmussen Reports tracking history. This month, just 9% say Congress is doing a good or excellent job. […]

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