Tag Archive 'Goebbels'

Jun 21 2010

Our Government Has Lied To Us

I know I will get slammed for the comparison, but some times the acts fit the crime. The Obama administration’s PR campaign is mirroring the PR campaign instituted by the Nazi Minister of Propaganda, Joseph Goebbels. I am saying mirroring, not identical. We have yet to hit the point where political opponents are more than […]

31 responses so far

Sep 30 2008

Joseph Goebbels Rises Up From The Dead And Leads Liberal Media To Their Messiah

The liberal media has been taking a pounding for years now. Some of their crowning acheivements were RaThergate and The Downing Street Memos, where they used cooked up false evidence (in the second case self made) as news to try and promote their political agendas. They also exposed critical national security efforts in a grotesque […]

6 responses so far

Sep 24 2008

Are We Going To Hand Our Nation To Propagandists?

Tony Blankely has a sadly true and powerful denunciation of the media has lapdog and Goebbels-like fictionizers for the Obama campaign. The mainstream media ruthlessly and endlessly repeat any McCain gaffes while ignoring Obama gaffes. You have to go to weird little Web sites to see all the stammering and stuttering that Obama needs before […]

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