Tag Archive 'RNC'

May 24 2009

Oh Please, Tell Me The GOP Didn’t!

One cannot help but question the maturity level of the GOP some days, especially days like this. In what has to be one of the most immature moves I have seen, some Spike TV fan club member-  doubling as a political PR expert – has tried to liken Nancy Pelosi to James Bond’s Pussy Galore: […]

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Jan 31 2009

Moderate Man Of Steele Takes RNC Helm, New GOP Emerging

  There is hope for the GOP, it has turned another corner and is back on a positive track. The GOP has begun the necessary process of ‘purifying’ itself from the unreliable far right (or ‘true conservatives’) who spend more time insulting fellow conservatives who don’t toe their line than making conservative progress in manageable […]

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