Mar 04 2008
Team Obama Feels His Support Slipping, Clinton Should Surprise Today
I noted something happening back on Feb 20th, when leftist blogs started becoming tired with Obama and his boring victory speech after his WI win. Then a few days later I wrote about the ‘mob-think’ nature of his followers and how that was starting to disturb a few people who are just too seasoned to turn into mindless groupies. And then a few days later I noted some “creepy” uneasiness that had sprung up in the UK, from folks whose opinion of America would supposedly find us all admirable again if Obama won the White House.
These stories showed an ever spreading trend of doubt, and even some repulsion, with Barack Obama’s candidacy. Yesterday I noted that the polls were showing a tight race in TX and that a slight loss for Hillary there combined with a win in OH (where the polls show her up) would be enough for her to continue. By last night the polls had shown something more – a clear shift from Obama to Clinton. RCP shows Clinton jumping ahead in TX in a lot of late polls, so something is happening out there. The same trend is showing in the RCP poll average for OH. Since RCP averages a lot of polls (some of dubious quality) to move the averages takes a trend all the polls, good and bad, pick up.
But beyond the state races this last minute shift is showing up in some national polls as well. Gallup had finally registered the momentum Obama was supposed to have had over the last few days as he jumped out to an impressive 8 point lead nationally. However, something big happened in the last few days because the trend reversed itself (click the graph to go to Gallup’s full post on the results).

The same shift is showing up in Rasmussen’s daily tracking poll numbers as well. At one point last week Obama was up 9 points in his daily poll, the last result showed Clinton up 1.
But polls are not the only indicator. The inexperience of Team Obama is showing as they lamely try to set ridiculous expectations today for Hillary to stay in the race:
Obama’s campaign Manager, David Plouffe, says: “It is clear that narrow popular vote wins in Texas and Ohio will do very little to improve their nearly impossible path to the nomination. If they do not win Texas and Ohio by healthy double digit margins – and they led by healthy double digit margins as recently as two weeks ago – they will be facing almost impossible odds to reverse the delegate math.”
This is patently silly. This was Obama’s chance to repeat his double digit trounces he handed Clinton in many states. This is Obama’s chance to put the race away – but he won’t and he knows he won’t. In fact, by demanding double digit wins Obama and his team is all but admitting Clinton will eek out single digit wins. I’ll take Team Obama’s concerns as real, given how hard they tried to spin possible losses into wins.
I was beginning to see Obama as the easier of the two candidates for McCain and the GOP to take on. As usual fate has decided that the easy route is off limits and we must go the longer, harder path. Hopefully Obama will stay in for the duration and keep the civil war in the Democrat party going. After all these calls for Clinton to quit he is going to be pushed to follow his own advice should he lose today.
Update: Obama has one other problem – his followers have put him in such a grand pedestal that, when he shows his true stripes as nothing more than a fast talking politician, his fall is long and hard. Take this person as an example, who realizes that Obama will not be going all out for the anti-war movement, just like all the other Dems have not. None of them will allow America to lose unnecessarily – that would unleash a vast army of vultures and make things 100 times worse than they are now. It is a rude wake up call when it is shown the emperor has no clothes.
That is a massive shift on RCP. Drilling down into the more reliable polling done by Gallup and Rasmussen is even more striking over the last week. Is this buyers remorse or is it the fall from the pedestal described above? I would bet it is the fall from the pedestal. When you fill an empty suit with all the changes and hopes you feel must be done now and then find out the suit is still empty….
So the DEMs may go to a brokered convention. That is the way politics have traditionally been. It was Reagan and Lee Atwater that coreagraphed the convention into a coronation. The DEMs may come out of a brokered convention with a lot of momentum and a more finely tuned message that could leave the REPs little time to adjust and rebut. I can remember, just a kid at the time, the older conventions, pre-1980 that where incredibly interresting to watch as the parties platform was hammered out.
Then again, the DEMs brokered convention could be a big food fight.
The only thing to know about a brokered convention is that Hillary wins the nomination if that’s the case – there are no better infighters than her and Bill.
And yet Hillary is widely hated, which is the only reason Obama has gotten this far. The general election will be a debacle for the dems! Of course, it will be wonderfully entertaining watching Sooth claim that he always really supported Hillary.
A Hillary win is not good. These people need to be taken off the political stage. Now.
Republicans think both Clinton and Obama smarter than McCain:
Yesterday Obama stomped out of a press conference. This is interesting, because it was the first time he has really had to answer tough questions, and he walks away.
McCain, on the other hand, answers questions.
That is stupid and you know it. One of the reasons Democrats lose is their uppity snotty we are smarter than you are attitude. I don’t believe what you posted. I think McCain is smarter than Hillary or Obama and I think Hillary is smarter than Obama. I think Obama is slicker and more manipulative than either of the other two. So, I guess it depends on what you think of as smart. You of course, think of smart as slick and Ivy League and not all blue collar working class trashy type people. No, you are above all that aren’t you?
For a smart guy Obama sure did walk right into that whole NAFTA lie. No way would Hillary have done something that stupid.
And for a smart guy Obama sure did pull off an obviously stinky deal with the bag man Rezko, I can not imagine McCain being stupid enough to try and hide a deal like that.
For a smart guy the Messiah is kind of sloppy. Not to mention protectionist and dishonest.
The smart Obama screwed up at a press conference the other day and congratulated Rockefeller for not voting for the war when in fact he had. You would think a smart guy like Obama would check out something like that before he started blowing off. Dumb dumb dumb.
Interesting that Sooth touts O’Bama’s “likability” but ignores his
“unfavorable” rating.
If he were running for student council, his report cards might be more relevant.
Maybe Sooth can enlighten us on O’Bama’s “work experience.” Three years opposing private businesses as a “street organizer” in Chicago is embarrassing. Is that all his schooling qualified him for?
I know we have been spoon fed information that promotes Hillary as the smartest woman in the world, but she flunked the DC Bar exam before she went to Arkansas and finally passed it there. As for Osama Obama, just how smart can he be when he promises the biggest entitlement program ever, universal Health care, while promising to reign in entitlements and balance the budget. If anyone wants to get a glimpse of the Dems socialized medice plan, they should take a look at Tenncare, a state version of Hillary’s last “Health care plan, which nearly bankrupcted the state of TN within a few years of it’s inception. As for cutting the cost of gas, health care, or anything else. When you cut the cost, someone has to take the loss. Does anyone think Doctors and Nurses will take a cut in pay without some sort of protest. I, for one, don’t want an angry and disillusioned doctor treating me. Will anyone spend the time, effort and money necessary to become a doctor if the rewards are not going to be any better than what he could earn driving a truck or pumping gas? The “Windfall Profit Tax” on US oil back in the 70’s is a perfect example of government folly. That boondoggle caused oil companies to cap producing wells and stop all exploration for new sourses of oil in the US rather than allow the government to take all the profits they generated. The only way the US can become energy independant is to lift the restrictions on exploration, drilling, and refining oil in this country. Not drilling in Anwar or the Gulf of Mexico, while the Russian and Cubans are exploiting our stupidity, is the most insane policy ever instituted. It’s obvious the people in this country have a death wish and electing either Obama or Hillary will only hasten the day when their wish comes true. Bend over Fools. Obama and Hillary have plans for you.
go hil go! Lol – watching her have a big night! I wonder how Sooth is going to spin this and pretend this is always what he wanted?
This dem nomination is going to be a non-stop foodfight from here on out!