May 14 2008
Global Warming Is Not Global, Sorry Senator McCain
The fact of the matter is if you look at the data the ‘global’ warming phenomena is not global – it is centered over one (obvious) region of the world). Check out this map of the global temperature variances for March 2008:

Notice the clear hot spot over Asia, which just happens to be host to half the world’s population and the most populated countries on the planet? Now look at America – which is pretty much running on average. Does anyone think removing C02 from America will change what is happening on the other side of the planet? Clearly it will not. Yet America is the largest per capita producer of C02 (we have big carbon foot prints), but our region of the globe is not warming?
McCain is our candidate, but he is not perfect. And in this case he is dead wrong. I will happily vote for him because I do think McCain is open to reason. I can see him facing scientific facts and adjusting his position. I don’t see Clinton or Obama deciding victory in Iraq is now an option we should pursue. The choice is clear and obvious, despite McCain’s misunderstandings on ‘global’ warming.
[…] another post if you look at where the global warming IS, it is not over the American continents – it is over Asia where most of the human population lives.  What Obama is selling is not leadership.  I note over at Gallup that while his lead against […]
[…] fact is Global Warming is not Global at all – it is centered over the massive explosion of human beings in China, India, etc, as the following […]