May 19 2008

Obama: Americans Must Do As World Says

Published by at 6:02 am under 2008 Elections,All General Discussions

Updated: added some text and diagrams

I know Obama is getting record crowds, estimated as high as 75,000 in Portland, OR.  But is curiosity the same thing as support?  Are these massive crowds going to vote en masse?

Obama Nets Huge Crowd

Obama is a draw, but is he selling liberalism like never before or are liberals simply coming out like never before? Given some of his more ludicrous statements one has to wonder how many Americans are ready for his hard core liberal stances:

Pitching his message to Oregon’s environmentally-conscious voters, Obama called on the United States to “lead by example” on global warming, and develop new technologies at home which could be exported to developing countries.

“We can’t drive our SUVs and eat as much as we want and keep our homes on 72 degrees at all times … and then just expect that other countries are going to say OK,” Obama said.

“That’s not leadership. That’s not going to happen,” he added.

SInce when is leadership kowtowing down to the world’s biases (usually generated by a malicious and liberal news media)?  America is not killing the planet.  As I noted in another post if you look at where the global warming IS, it is not over the American continents – it is over Asia where most of the human population lives.  


What Obama is selling is not leadership.  He is selling out America to international opinion.
Are we to gain permission from China or India on what our allocation should be for using our SUVs? Are we suppose to get permission from the UN as to when and how long we can set our thermostats to 72°? This is ridiculous.
I want to note that over at Gallup, as Obama’s lead against Clinton rises, he is going nowhere against McCain (who also believes in the myths of Global Warming).
McCain is going to use the Bush approach, which entails basically saying if you must believe in this then we’ll let the market decide how much CO2 each person and company will reduce. If people need some feel-good efforts to pretend they are doing something then fine – it is free country. But Obama’s plan to let the UN and World Court and public opinion dictate to American’s what they can or cannot do is just not going to win votes.
This is Obama showing off is inexperience again.

43 responses so far

43 Responses to “Obama: Americans Must Do As World Says”

  1. Neo says:

    After all those commercials that were on the air here in Pennsylvania (by a supporting union) that showed people at the gas pumps talking about Obama’s plan to “help people at the gas pumps”, now we see that we are back in the 70’s hearing “Jimmy Carter” Obama telling us “it’s over” .. there ain’t gonna be any help at the gas pump .. you should be happy you have a gas pump at all.

    This is “change I can believe in” ??

  2. Question of the day…

    “Were they handing out free granola?”
    – Blogs of War, responding to the news reports that between 65,000 and 75,000 people were on hand for an Obama tent revival rally in Oregon on Sunday.

    Caption: Democratic presidential hopefu…

  3. dave m says:

    Breaking (well sort of) story about Obama meeting secretly
    with terrorist imam in Dearborn Michigan. Does this guy plan to
    enslave America? It sure looks like it.

    Here’s the link:

    or you could also go to

    Wake up folks, this is not your dream, this is your worst nightmare.

  4. Soothsayer says:

    The only way John McCain could draw a crowd of 75,000 would be to show up at the Super Bowl to do a live Depends commercial.

    Again, relying upon futures market trading, people putting their $$ where their mouths are pick Obama over McCain by 57% to 38%.

  5. norm says:

    i know you have trouble thinking for yourself…but in the real world actions speak louder than words. it’s clear from the history of your posts that you like living in bush-world…where there is talk about not torturing, then torture, talk about warrants for eavesdropping then don’t get warrants, talk about states rights then ignore states rights, talk about fiscal responsibilty then spend money like drunken coke snorting awol air nat’l guardsman, talk about not nation building, then go nation building, and talk about getting the people who flew planes into our buildings, and then paying pakistan to protect them. obama is talking about leading by doing…leading by example…leading thru actions, not just the empty, hollow rhetoric that the current administration calls leadership. (the same empty rhetoric you all follow with blinders on) i realize this is a very foreign concept for those of you on the extreme far right.
    but most importantly…i just love dave m’s feabile attempt at guilt by association. is this really the best you far right loonies can come up with? the money qoute from the article dave links to? “Qazwini has also met several times with President Bush and other elected officials.” so by dave m’s lack-of-logic bush plans to “enslave” america. wake up folks is right.

  6. TomAnon says:

    Interresting link Dave M. Kind of explains why BO seemed to react in an overly sensitive way on May 15 to President Bush’s comments on May 14. Anyone believe in coincidences?

  7. Neo says:

    “That’s not leadership. That’s not going to happen,” Obama added.

    My response: Yes I Can and that’s leadership.

  8. […] He Who Definitely Doesn’t Walk On Water in Oregon, pronouncing on Iran and Venezuela and environmental leadership. […]

  9. Whippet1 says:

    The “people” have no idea what Obama is saying. They aren’t listening. They are enthralled by his very presence. He is the second coming to them and the media is helping him feed the masses.

  10. crosspatch says:

    As soon as I have a voice in electing the “world leadership” then I will be willing to do as “the world” says. Who elects the members seated at the UN? Besides, it is not a legislative body, it is a diplomatic body. Functionally it is a graft distribution network.

    Obama has no idea what he is talking about. By 2011 Social Security commitments are going to suck our government dry of funds. All your base are belong to Medicare.

  11. norm says:

    wow…two of the far far right’s favorite tactics on display in the same blog…aj takes the MIS-REPRESENTATION angle…and turns leading by example into asking for others permission. and dave m. tries the GUILT BY ASSOCIATION angle by saying that because obama met once with the same fella that george bush has met with several times, obama must be a dangerous muslim ready to “…enslave america…” and then, like a cherry on top of a sundae, one of my favorite right wing extremists weighs in with the idea that anyone who listens to what actually is said, or is able to interpret the basic facts from a news article for themselves are “…enthralled by his very presence. he is the second coming to them…” i love this blog — it’s fun to watch the extreme right fringe groups make up their own reality.

  12. Soothsayer says:


    The $2 Trillion (that’s $2,000,000,000,000.00) that our first offically retarded president has poured down the rathole in the desert (aka Iraq) would have funded Social Security for the next 75 years.

    Oh well, it was sure money well spent. Dick Cheney’s Halliburton options increased in value from $250,000.00 to $8,000,000.00, so Dick the Draft Dodger profited to the tune of $1899.97 PER DEAD GI.

    Heckuva job, Cheney!

  13. TomAnon says:

    What’s the matter Sooth, get stuck holding a short position on HAL?

  14. Soothsayer says:

    Cheney’s incompetence and failure to perform due dilegence when Halliburton bought asbestos-related companies had HAL on the brink of bankruptcy. Fortunately, $27 BILLION in no-bid contracts, awarded with the unlawful influence of the Office of the Vice President, and of course, the fact that HAB has defrauded the government of Millions if not Billions, has HAL sitting pretty once again.

    You call yourselves conservatives, but don’t utter a sound when well situated criminals steal our taxpayers’ dollars to line theri own pockets.

  15. norm says:

    soothsayer…how much is that per deferment?

  16. kathie says:

    There is only one reason Obama wants out of Iraq. He wants to use the money for domestic projects. I find that thinking very short sighted, but it does sell to those who think something for nothing is a good deal. The “if only” crowd is not only adolescent, it is delusional. If only college were paid for by the rich I could go to a college of my choice, graduate with nothing to pay back, and be a success. No really if you get free college education, you get free education and what you do with it is up to you. Nothing more.

    The “if only” crowd needs to grow up!

    PS Thank you AJ.

  17. crosspatch says:

    Soothie, ask an Iraqi if that money was wasted. I don’t think the formation of the Arab world’s first real democracy, complete with party plurality is a “rat hole” at all.

  18. norm says:

    kathie…there is only one reason obama wants out of iraq? i think your statement is a huge leap of logic not supported in any way by the candidates statements. if you opinion is based on faulty information, then it isn’t much of an opinion is it? research the entire issue….that’s what a grown-up would do.

  19. norm says:

    crosspatch…i don’t think “real democracy” means what you think it means.

  20. 75 says:

    Obama wants out of Iraq because his party is desperate to lose the war to his radical muslim buddies and he knows their only chance of doing so is to win the White House.