Jul 16 2008
Birth Certificate Madness
Well, since I dove into this mess of the Obama Certificate Of Birth (COLB) I have become really disturbed at how rank amateurs can go out and make outrageous claims and be taken seriously. One of the worst offenders is someone called “Polarik” over at townhall.com. Today he posted another demonstration of an axiom one of my managers, from early in my career, coined: “A fool with a tool, is still a fool”.  I always like to add “Just more productive”.
You can see this shining example of twisted logic here, but the bottom line is the man is comparing to different version of COLB and claiming the differences in the formats mean one is a forgery (which as I noted here were due to the Real ID Act). He is looking at a 2002 COLB from a Ms Decosta and the 2007 COLB from Obama. He is stunned to find the background colors don’t match – Doh! The borders don’t match, the papers don’t match, either.
As I said before when another expert discovered there have been upgrades to the Hawaii COLB documents and declared “forgery” I have one thing to say – No shit Sherlock! Â BTW, that other expert has acknowledged there were upgrades to the COLB formats.
Hey folks, want to see the forgery I found? Â I compared two copies of NASA’s logo and discovered subtle differences that could only mean one is a forgery:
Now, if I can only figure out which one is the fake I would be just like these other folks ….
Obama can put this matter to rest as easily as John Kerry
could have cleared up the suspicions relating to his
dishonorable discharge.
Release the records.
I have three different versions of my own COLB. I got the last one about 15 years ago. If I got a fourth version, I bet it will be different from the last. Pretty soon it will be on an RF ID chip as part of your Passport or National ID. This is so stupid. There are so many other things to go after BO on.
Hate to say this, but Obama’s probably correct to ignore this. No one cares about it except a handful of people who would never vote for him anyways, so why appease them? Furthermore, the original reason still stands – releasing it will probablay show his parents weren’t married at the time, which contradicts some things he said in his books and would be embarrasing. From a pr point of view, best for him to just let it ride.
Kerry made the same choice – we’ll never know what is in his records, but what’s there was obviously more damaging than the rumours were.
Kerry got defeated.
He now only has his Heinz fortune to rely upon.
Guess he made the right choice.
WWS wrote:
“Hate to say this, but Obama’s probably correct to ignore this.”
Obama would have looked pretty bloody silly if he had reacted to the wild claims of Polarik, who said the COLB was forged because he thought there were too many light coloured pixels in the text.
Just imagine if this had turned into “Pixel-gate” or worse still, if nut jobs like Polarik targeted an installation in Iran because of some wrong coloured pixels, or if the U.S. Defense Department was warned that the allies were “turning yellow on us” during armed conflict.
TomAnon wrote:
“I have three different versions of my own COLB. I got the last one about 15 years ago. If I got a fourth version, I bet it will be different from the last.”
Why not email them to polarik and get him to see which one are forged?
What’s that Skippy ??
You say that Iran has got wrong colored pixels?
On top of everything else ??
That’s enough of that.
Let’s take out Natanz straight away before pixel bombs
start killing us all.
Then we’ll look down the mine shaft.
I would assume that Obama had to file the document to get onto the ballot so officials have seen the real thing (with raised seal). Why people are so arrogant that they believe THEY PERSONALLY need to see his birth certificate is beyond me.
AJ! Isn’t it obvious that the top NASA logo is the forgery?
dave m wrote:
What’s that Skippy ??
You say that Iran has got wrong colored pixels?
On top of everything else ??”
Well there’s ONE particular pixel that has been under scrutiny in for some time at a farm house in Iran. Someone is either growing marijuana under lights or it’s a missile launch pad.
Polarik would give them the benefit of the doubt but he discovered that if he alters the resolution from 300 ppi to 666 ppi then the pixel is EXACTLY “666” pixels from another pixel which (for security reasons) cannot be divulged.
Interestingly, the reddish pixel becomes even REDDER if the contrast is increased – thereby proving that it must indeed be a missile site.
It was also noted that if the image is viewed at 400% then the susspicius looking red pixel ALSO gets 4 times bigger – thereby increasing the risk to national security by exactly 400.00000%
Precision like this is unheard of!
Depends on what year of NASA you are talking about. For those wondering the ‘meatball’ was NASA’s logo for a long time. In the 70’s they went with ‘the worm’. Sometime in the 80’s or 90’s (I can’t remember when) they went back to the ‘meatball’.
“thereby increasing the risk to national security by exactly 400.00000%”
Want to hear something REALLY scary? Time is drifting! In fact, the current drift rate is so great that by the end of the next century, polar bears will not have time to reproduce before they die of old age! We must fight Global Speedup!
Some researcher from NASA has taken a global average of the time on wrist watches but only from very high quality watches. The raw data is then “adjusted” to compensate for things like any high speed travel, etc. Over the past decade, the average time shown on the Global High Quality Wristwatch Network has advanced at a rate of 14 seconds per year.
This is going to require billions in research grants (email me for an address where you can send your check!) and additional taxes but if we all pull together, we can defeat this global scourge!
Barack HUSSEIN Obama (PBUH)(SAW)(SWT); the new “Prophet”!
It sees that all have lost my original position of the COLBs so I will repeat it.
The Kos and likely Obama versions are bogus but the data on them is correct.
They are bogus just enough to keep this going on the web and when convenient for Obama he will bring out the real deal proof.
It will then be used as a hammer to debunk any later claims against him.
I could care less about all the bit flipping stuff people want to talk about but what is going on shows that the odds are more in favor of bogus forms than real deal stuff out there , especially when the two ‘real deal’ items for Obama don’t match up.
MerlinOS2, it doesn’t matter one iota if he produced a copy photoshopped as an engraving on the Vietnam Memorial, the only thing that matters is the copy that he provided to election officials in the states where he was on the ballot.
In other words, it really doesn’t matter. He is under absolutely NO obligation to give a copy to anyone but election officials and since he did make it onto the ballot, he apparently satisfied the requirements of people who deal with such documents as their occupation.
I wish people would stop trying to make something out of something that is honestly none of their business.
MerlinOS2 wrote:
“It sees that all have lost my original position of the COLBs so I will repeat it.
The Kos and likely Obama versions are bogus but the data on them is correct.”
Weeks ago the spokeswoman for the Health Dept said that the Obama form was “ah-DENT-ical” to the real 2007 COLB, and now you’re say the text is correct – so where does that leave us — I give up – what is it – lemme guess — “Two rights make a wrong”?
crosspatch wrote:
“MerlinOS2, it doesn’t matter one iota if he produced a copy photoshopped as an engraving on the Vietnam Memorial, the only thing that matters is the copy that he provided to election officials in the states where he was on the ballot.”
No you’ll need to fully concede that you don’t believe it is a forgery before you’re allowed to get off this water-boarding contraption.
One thing has clearly come out of all this. You do not have to be born a US citizen to become president of the US. all you have to do is supply a birth certificate that says you are one. It doesn’t matter if it’s forged, enough money can buy an authentic forged certificate. And I’m not talking about hussein Obama, I’m talking about anyone.
Redteam wrote:
“One thing has clearly come out of all this. You do not have to be born a US citizen to become president of the US.”
Let’s look at what’s happened:
We’ve had two (that I know of) Photoshoppers who claim they can see flaws in the official Obama COLB that indicate forgery, but neither of them can reproduce what their imagined phantom-forger did. They can’t even SAY what was done – let alone do it themselves.
(1) They claimed there was “an entirely wrong border” and the Obama COLB was “manufactured” – but they were eventually convinced that they were wrong and had been looking at an out-of-date border.
(2) They claimed the “manufactured” border HAD to be manufactured because it had “overlap” and was of poor quality, but eventually they were convinced that they were wrong and that the spokeswoman for the Hawaii Health Department said that the layout (the entire layout) was IDENTICAL to their official version of the 2007 COLB
(3) They claimed there was incorrect spacing in a date, but that also was found to be wrong when another certificate was examined for comparison.
(4) One claimed that there were too many light coloured artifacts around the alphabet characters and refuses to believe that 2nd generation JPEG heavy-compression caused it.
(5) Another of the pair is claiming that he’ll be writing a white paper to prove his allegation of forgery, but the dog apparently ate all the white paper in the house and he’s not game to buy any more in case the dog eats that too and gets constipated.
It seems all the regular trolls have been sucked by a couple of new-age techno-trolls :-))
You have been reading me wrong on this..I have followed this issue on about 10 places on the net and all I have done is ask questions for resolution as to what and why.
I have said from the beginning the documents are suspect but can’t be ‘proven’ one way or the other and it wouldn’t matter as long as the base data is correct.
If someone is putting me in the tinfoil it has to be bogus even though I may have accidentally said that in this or other forums, I just lean heavy toward bogus but that OPINION doesn’t change the issue.
My wife did computer graphic magic for years and years and I have seen the max what photoshop and print shop pro and gimp can do in the hands of an expert.
I have seen second to eighth generation up and down converted images that still didn’t look as trashed at some of these COLBs floating around out there.
I know my wife could fake something better than any of the questionable ones look like even if she had to build it pixel by pixel.
If you don’t agree with my OPINION fine have a nice day..but allow me the same latitude.