Aug 29 2008

McCain Hits A Home Run With VP Pick – It’s Sarah Palin!

I have had my fingers crossed all week McCain would take advantage of the opening Obama left wide open to tap a woman conservative as his VP selection – and now it seems MY hopes have come true!

Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, a self-styled “hockey mom” who has been governor for less than two years, is GOP Presidential candidate John McCain’s choice for Vice President.

A senior McCain campaign official confirmed the choice, which was first reported by CNBC.

McCain was to introduce his choice at an event on Friday at midday in Dayton, Ohio.

Palin, 44, was a relatively surprising pick, but one aimed at appealing to women voters who might have been disillusioned by Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama’s decision to pick Biden as his No. 2 instead of Democratic Sen. Hillary Clinton of New York.

Now all those angry, bitter women who were completely let down by the Democrats have new hope. And make no mistake about it, if McCain-Palin are elected the first Woman President of these United States is staged to be elected in 2012 or 2016.

Those Hillary supporters who were considering McCain are going to go from a trickle to a tsunami.  I would not be surprised to see a 10 point bounce off this selection.  If the reaction of the women here at NASA are any indication (they are cheering like crazy) McCain just became the next President of the United States. This is truly exciting news which will totally eclipse Obama’s liberal ranting from last night. Way to go McCain!

Addendum:  Thank god we did not get another dusty old white guy from the Senate and we tapped a Governor for the ticket. Obama even pales in comparison to Palin. This is an election for the history books, and my guess there are some coattails for McCain-Palin in the offing as well. BTW – remember it will take 2-3 days to see a bounce on this news, so the polls right now are incredibly unreliable.

Update: While the some on the right sulk, the Hillary supporters are cheering!

Update: The Democrat nuts have come out ugly and have decided denigrating a woman selected as VP is the way to win. I have women reading the crap from the fringe nuts and the mainstream media and they are in total shock at the abuse Palin is getting from the leftward gutter swamps. At this rate Obama may see a 20 bounce in McCain’s direction. Only a few whack jobs are so bitter they would attack a woman on her ability to raise a family and work, make the claim it was her ovaries who got her the job. It is disgusting.

Palin has more experience than Obama, so that ain’t going to fly.  The Democrats are acting like more like the Taliban regarding women than simply recognizing the fact there are woman who are Republicans. That party is rotten to its sick core.

45 responses so far

45 Responses to “McCain Hits A Home Run With VP Pick – It’s Sarah Palin!”

  1. Terrye says:

    And when the Obama camp felt the need to make fun of the woman, it came off as petty and nasty.

  2. breschau says:

    It’s amazing how many of you are missing this simple point:

    “McCain has spent the last several years insisting that the most important qualities in a candidate for national office are experience and a background in national security. Sarah Palin was, up until recently, the mayor of a town of 9,000 people, and is currently the governor of a small state with a part-time legislature, with one-and-a-half years under her belt.”

    I am not “whining” (???) about her lack of experience. I am saying – your candidate has been “whining” about Obama’s.

    And now he’s chosen her as the VP nominee. It’s just a weird pick, all things considered.

  3. ordi says:

    Interesting factoid:

    Palin has been to Iraq as many times as antiwar Democrat Barack Obama.

  4. browngreengold says:

    It’s simple really.

    Palin is not running for the top spot on the ticket.

    She has MORE experience than Obie does and he’s the one running for President.

  5. Jules Roy says:

    She has a child only a few months old with Down Syndrome yet she’s going to spend the next few months travelling around the country campaigning. Talk about a lack of priorities. These Republicans talk about family values but they sure as hell don’t live them. Shame on this egotistical woman.

  6. […] Standard Blog, Outside The Beltway, Washington Post, BlogHer, Firedoglake, Don Surber, Feministing, The Strata-Sphere, On Deadline, Comments from Left Field, Blog Central, The Anonymous Liberal, […]

  7. kathie says:

    She was mayor of a town then Governor of the State of Alaska. Jules, did you look at her children, beautiful, poises, and delighted with their Mother’s accomplishment. Don’t you worry she will have plenty of help with her children and time enough for a 4 month old baby. Is it ideal, probably not but life is never ideal. I’m sure she will do just fine. Put that in your pipe and smoke it!

  8. Terrye says:


    Do you honestly think that southerners will not vote for a woman? My God, what a regional snob you are.

  9. Terrye says:

    Palin has run something other than her mouth which is more than can be said for Barack Obama.

  10. Terrye says:



  11. Terrye says:

    Her husband is in the Stellworkers Union, he is not some ad exec.

  12. breschau says:


    You should be ashamed of yourself. There are plenty of valid criticisms of her as a candidate or a politician, but to attack her as a bad mother for accepting the nomination is over the fucking line.

  13. breschau says:


    “Her straightforward answers to questions, even hostile ones ,are refreshing, and in great contrast to the verbal dodge we get from Dem pols trying to hide what they really think or who they really are.”

    Heh – that’s what I love about Republicans: let them talk long enough, and they shoot themselves in the foot.

    Go read this interview McCain recently did with Time Magazine. Then, tell me which party’s politican are “trying to hide what they really think or who they really are”.

    A short sample:

    T: “In 2000, after the primaries, you went back to South Carolina to talk about what you felt was a mistake you had made on the Confederate flag. Is there anything so far about this campaign that you wish you could take back or you might revisit when it’s over?”
    M: [Does not answer.]

    T: Do I know you? [Says with a laugh.]
    M: [Long pause.] I’m very happy with the way our campaign has been conducted, and I am very pleased and humbled to have the nomination of the Republican Party.

    T: You do acknowledge there was a change in the campaign, in the way you had run the campaign?
    M: [Shakes his head.]

  14. The Macker says:

    Sensible Americans will see this as a sign of respect for them and their values.

    At least she gave her children life.

    Cheer up. By 2012, she will have enough “experience” to run for president. Maybe another Margaret Thatcher?

  15. […] have heard and read to today (I do have one link to a particularly vulgar post over at DailyKos in my previous post for anyone so inclined). But it has included ridiculous comments about Palin not being able to be a […]

  16. Terrye says:


    Thank you for that remark to Jules. You are right, it is over the line.

  17. J.D. says:

    I don’t need to wait on Rasmussen to see the bump for McCain. 2 of my female friends, one who campaigned for Romney, one for Huckabee, were going to sit home in November. With the choice of Palin they are stoked and fully committed to the ticket.

    Additionally, my wife who detests all things political called me from work to make sure I had heard the announcement. She was ecstatic.

    A large portion of undecideds this election cycle have been conservatives without a candidate and women who supported Hillary. McCain will hit 50% now that Palin is by his side.

  18. Klimt says:

    Most conservatives seem to have liked the choice, no? I like her. What disappoints me is that she has no economic background or foreign policy experience. What I am asking myself is if McCain dies, will she be able to face Putin (who let us be honest is brilliant and is a very effective leader), and al Qaeda? I hope so…

  19. WWS says:

    I hope dem’s keep going after Palin just the way that Jules is – he is arguing that no women with young children can ever be fit to serve in a public office.

    How do you think mothers across this country are going to respond to the party that makes that argument?

    The dem’s know that they just lost this election.

  20. The Macker says:

    The more compelling question is:
    Will Obama ” be able to face Putan?”