Dec 07 2009

Ice Cores Show No Significant Warming

Published by at 8:19 am under All General Discussions,Global Warming

As we enter a week of theatre from Copenhagen, it is good for everyone to become familiar with the hypothesis of man-made global warming as it compares to natural global warming. Man-made global warming seems to be the product of well crafted statistics, which have never been fully vetted. But natural climate change, on the other hand, has been around since time began on planet Earth.

And one place were the record of the Earth’s climate has been preserved for 100’s of thousands of years is inside the polar ice caps. Reader oldguy pointed me to a great four part video on global warming and this key proxy record, which is more extensive and more accurate than any tree rings (another temperature proxy used by CRU and IPCC to hide the decline, not understand climate).

Here are the first two parts of the speech by a Dr. Carter who discusses the real settled science which has been around for decades, and which the alarmists tried to upend with their shoddy methods and suborning of the peer-review process and scientific method.

Here is part one on what the ice cores really show:

And here is part 2, where Dr. Carter looks at magnitude and rate of change of climate, and then he starts to discuss the critical major problems with the AGW theory:

The final two can be found at the original site – please take the time to watch all four parts. He goes on to discuss all the big problems with the AGW hypothesis and why we are more likely to be heading into a long cool spell than a warm one.

5 responses so far

5 Responses to “Ice Cores Show No Significant Warming”

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by tjking, AJ Strata. AJ Strata said: new: Ice Cores Show No Significant Warming […]

  2. Wayne at Jeremiah Films says:

    Linked to your post from Discerning Science – Global Warming

    But I think Obama, EPA, and Cap & Trade are going to just forget about the science … It is to late for lobbyists (see Politics of Global Warming) to create a different fear.

  3. […] The Strata-Sphere:  CRU’s Apparent Temperature Input To Briffa-Osborne Tree Ring Analysis & Ice Cores Show No Significant Warming […]

  4. Alert1201 says:

    Watched all for of these vids. Excellent! Thanks for posting them AJ. Passed them on to a bunch of friends.

  5. […] are physical processes. No surprise but the ice cores show no significant warming today. Instead, these ice cores show many warmer periods in the history of humankind. Update: WUWT has more ice core perspective. – end […]