May 07 2006

Dem 2006 Slogan: Impeach Bush

Published by at 9:18 am under 2006 Elections,All General Discussions

I have been predicting for weeks now that the Democrat party has no option other than to bend to their leftwing crazies and run on the mantra that they will Impeach Bush. It started with the Downing Street forgeries, when the guy made modern documents look like typewritten memos and had to admit he forged them. Then a group of Democrat Congressman held mock impeachment trials in the basement of the Capitol – and the press CAME! At this stage I still could not believe Democrats could be this dumb. But I did not appreciate the force of the lunatic fringe.

After Katrina the KoSies came out calling for the removal of Bush and Cheney. As if on cew (like there was a coordinated plan or something), when the NSA story broke the mindless media lemmings came out squealing about impeachment. Huffpost fanatics got into the mix as well. The masses of lunatics on the leftward fringes started their chantings for Christmas, which had movedon from kumbayah to Bush the Dictator. And I have more where those came from.

No Democrat candidate, incumbent or otherwise, is going to get donations unless they get on board with their lunatic fringe. That is the background behind today’s Washington Post article on how to lose an election. It claims ‘confident Democrats lay out agenda’, but there is anything to be confident about if the answer to 9-11 is impeach Bush.

The Democrats cannot be removed from their supporters. All that has to be done is to connect the rantings of the lunatic fringe with every Democrat who will not promise to NOT hand over their legislative priorities to these overly emotionally and obsessed people. If a Democrat cannot promise to be professional and serious and keep their mindless minions in check… Well, we have elections to fix that problem.

Bring it on! Stand for Impeaching Bush and be up front about it. Make your case. And accept the consequences. Don’t try and lie and shade and hide the plan. Be adults. Stand up for what you want. And be adults and live with the results.

5 responses so far

5 Responses to “Dem 2006 Slogan: Impeach Bush”

  1. MerlinOS2 says:

    Let me see

    Grand Secret Plan to kill the “Culture of Corruption”

    1) Impeach Bush
    2) Elect Hillary …wife of Impeached but not convicted Slick Willy

    3) Boldley declare a new era of ethical government now has arrived

    Oh yeah…works for me

  2. Terrye says:


    I do not doubt that is their plan. But what is the plan of the right wing base that is patting itself on the back for bringing down Bush’s numbers? They are threatening to stay home in November unless Bush magically transports 11 million undocumented workers out of the country.

    The last time I looked at polipundit [and I do mean the last time] poli was saying that Bush could go eff himself.

    With friends like that…It reminds of Katrina and the left. Reality and logistics and due process and division of powers is of no matter, they want what they want when they want it and to hell with everything else.

    I am getting tired of listening to them myself and I am right of center.

  3. AJStrata says:


    Yeah. Blogs like Poli and Malkin which were once daily reads I know barely check in on because they told us all to go eff ourselves if they can’t have their way. I guess I am just obliging.

  4. Terrye says:


    Same here. I know that all they care about is traffic, but I do believe that alienating your readership might backfire eventually.

  5. AJStrata says:


    I don’t do this for the traffic. Notice I have no ads (yet).